Christian Initiation of Adults is a process for those wishing to become fully initiated Catholics (receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation) or being received into the faith from another Christian denomination We will be holding interviews for all prospective candidates during the months of July and August. Classes begin in September with Initiation at the Easter Vigil
Candidate Application forms are available at the parish office. Information flyers are tacked on the bulletin boards at the doors of the church. Deadline is July 31st.
CHRISTIAN INITIATION: The initiation process welcomes unbaptized (catechumen) and uncatechized (candidate) people into our Catholic faith. Moving toward the celebration of the initiation sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, the inquirers progress with help from the community in a variety of ways.
Inquiry Period: Individuals seeking a faith life meet with ministers to discuss concerns about the process of initiation and about the Catholic faith.
Catechumenate Period: meet each week with those who commit to the process of moving toward full initiation into the Church. Catechists unpack the Word with the elect each week, sharing and reflecting on their individual faith journey, relating scripture to their own lives.
Mystagogy Period: Fully initiated members continue their formation until Pentecost.
The process of Christian Initiation takes a minimum of one year. We depend on the many works of people who will commit to this ministry. Come share the journey!